16 August, 2013

Pokémon Red and Blue: Route 22

Welcome to the brief Route 22. There are more wild Pokémon to find here; however, the levels and percentages are different depending on which version you are playing. Red Version numbers are marked in red, and Blue Version numbers are marked in, you guessed it, blue.

Rattata Rattata Normal L2-4 45%
Spearow Spearow Normal/Flying L3-5 10%
Nidoran♀ Nidoran Poison L3-4 L2-4 5% 40%
Nidoran♂ Nidoran Poison L2-4 L3-4 40% 5%

I recommend you battle these Pokémon and raise your starter up to level 12 or so, but not higher than level 15. There is a special prize in it for you if you do. While you are doing this, do not go on the brick road to the north. After you finish grinding and heal at the Pokémon Center in Viridian City, get on the brick road to the north, SAVE YOUR GAME and walk west. You meet your rival and he challenges you to a battle.

Rival Blue
Rival Blue Route 22 2 Pokémon P280
Pidgey Pidgey Normal/Flying L9
Gust Normal Sand-Attack Normal
If you chose Bulbasaur...
Charmander Charmander Fire L8
Scratch Normal Growl Normal
If you chose Charmander...
Squirtle Squirtle Water L8
Tackle Normal Tail Whip Normal Bubble Water
If you chose Squirtle...
Bulbasaur Bulbasaur Grass/Poison L8
Tackle Normal Growl Normal Leech Seed Grass

If you chose Charmander, it learned a move called Ember at level 9. If you chose Squirtle, it learned a move called Bubble at level 8. You can use either of these moves to defeat his Pidgey with relative ease. If you chose Bulbasaur, this part will be a little tougher, because his Pidgey resists Vine Whip (which Bulbasaur learns at level 13) and Tackle earns you no same-type attack bonus. However, at level 7, Bulbasaur learned a move called Leech Seed, which you can use on his Pidgey to sap its health every turn, regardless of accuracy.

If you chose Squirtle, Pidgey successfully uses Sand-Attack AND you saved before this battle, you might consider using A + B + Start + Select to try again, because your Tackle is now much less likely to hit, it will be weakened by his Bulbasaur's Growl, and he may use Leech Seed to have a net gain of HP each turn even if you DO hit.

If you chose Bulbasaur, defeating his Charmander is easy as well, because it has not learned Ember yet, so use Leech Seed on it and Tackle it to victory. If you chose Charmander or Squirtle, use Scratch or Tackle repeatedly and use a Potion if your health gets low. If you chose Squirtle, your Tail Whip (which lowers Bulbasaur's defense) is likely to be negated by his Bulbasaur's Growl (which lowers your attack).

To collect your prize for doing this, head back to Pallet Town again. Otherwise, head north from Viridian City onto Route 2.

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